Friday, April 5, 2013

4 April 2013: Oxford, England

Part of the assortment offered for breakfast. On the bus into town.
Hertford Bridge.
Ornate door. Radcliffe Camera.
University Church of Saint Mary the Virgin.
The church ceiling painted to represent night and day. Plaque of the martyrs of the Reformation.
Pitt Rivers Museum... a little of everything.
Most of the dinosaurs were wrapped up, because the museum's glass roof is being repaired.
The College is Closed... a popular sign at the entrance of most colleges.
Lunch at Prêà Manger. Wooden "posting box" outside the post office.
Covered market that dates back to 1774.
One of the shops inside the covered market.
Ashmolean Museum. Mary reading to Jesus in Venice.
Dinner at Fire and Stone with 6 pound pizzas on Thursday.