Friday, April 19, 2013

18 April 2013: Merthyr Tydfil and Becon Beacon National Park

Meet my parents at their B&B and we head northwest to Wales.
Crossing the River Severn to arrive in Wales
Arrive in Merthyr Tydfil, where one of my ancestor's was born.
St. Tydfil Indoor Market. Famous Welsh cakes.
Cyfarthfa Castle built in 1824 as a maison for the Crawshay family, who owned Cyfarthfa Ironworks. The castle now houses a school and a museum.
The museum explains the history of the area. Access to iron ore, coal, limestone, and water made Merthyr Tydfil an ideal location for ironworks. From 1801 to 1851, the population grew from 7,700 to 46,000. By the end of WWI, population declined with the ironworks industry.
Just to the north of Merthyr is the frontier of the Brecon Beacon National Park. We park the car and take in a little nature.
It is sad to see national parks littered with debris. Llwyn-Onn Resevoir.
After some effort, we manage to successful merge onto the M4.
A backup of cars heading out of Bath, as we drive in. Walking back to my abode.