Friday, November 9, 2012

8 November 2012

Parking stalls at the grocery store for shoppers with small children. 
St. Stephen's Church.
"Low gear now."  "Keep in low gear." Lansdown Road.
Someone's remembrance poppy fell off their jacket. The paper poppies are sold leading up to November 11th to raise money for the Royal British Legion.
I stopped by the library and they had a display of books pertaining to Veterans Day.
The exhibition room in the library featured paintings by two local artists. On one of the tables I saw a brochure for the Stars and Stripes Thanksgiving Gala, which will consist of a American songs performed at a church.
Students pouring out of the Roman Baths. Street performer.
Worker painting the lamp post. Floral shop.
On Monday, the 5th. Today. The water level of the Avon is back to normal.
The River Avon.
The Happy Cupcake Company doing some unpacking.