Wednesday, August 28, 2013

28 August 2013: Bath, England


 Traffic along Broad Street. No FT [Finanical Times], no comment
Mosaic pig behind the Abbey.
Open Doors Tour at St. Swithin's Church. I walk pass St. Swithin everyday, though never had the opportunity to see the inside. Two people greeted me as I walked inside and gave me a pamphlet about the history of the church. The first church was build after 971 and named after Swithin, Bishop of Winchester from 852 to 862. In 1777, a new church building was consecrated. 
There are several notable people associated with St. Swithin's. William Wilberforce (1759-1833), who was very influential in the abolition of slavery, was married here. Rev. George (1731-1805), father of Jane Austen, curated at the parish and was buried here.