Saturday, August 17, 2013

14 agosta 2013: La Guardia, Spain to Porto, Portugal

Playa O Muiño.
The rocks furthest out are covered with muscles, a popular seafood hunted in Galician waters.
Mont Trega. Insua Fort, the Portuguese fort was built in the 1400s, then enlarged in the 1640s.
Returning from the beach, pass a neglected building covered with a fishing net. Rice and meatballs for lunch.
La Guardia.
Touring of a friend of a friend's bakery before leaving La Guardia.
Crossing over the River Miño into Portugal. Decorative umbrellas.
Smoke rising from the Portuguese countryside. The Portuguese have a reputation by the Spanish for having a lot of forest fires. A digital sign over the road displays the time. Portugal is an hour behind Spain, as it observes Greenwich Time.
There were political billboards around Porto, including this one for Luis Filipe Menezes which reads um presidente, Um amigo.
Walk through Porto and arrive at the hotel.
São Bento train station.
A fishermen's festival.
Lace in a tree. Wine ships at sunset.
Obrigada (PORTUGUESE: thanks). Dinner.