Saturday, August 17, 2013

12 agosto 2013: Salamanca to La Guardia

View from the hostel. On the road heading west to La Guardia.
Salamanca to La Guardia.
Everything is getting a little greener as we enter the region of Galicia.

Stretched our legs in Conello de Melon. Hydrangea. Hórreo, a typical granary found in Galicia. 
Entering La Guardia (GALICIAN: A Guarda).
Arrived at my friends for lunch.
View of Portugal across the River Miño in La Guardia.
Looking south at Portugal, the Atlantic Ocean, and the mouth of the River Miño from the top of Mont Trega.
A cross. The flag of La Guardia.
The village of La Guardia from Mont Trega.
Ruins from a Celtic village (1st century BC to 2nd century AD) on Mont Trega.

Dinner. Locally octopus.
12:30 am and children are out enjoying amusement rides.
Street vendors.
Botellón, located part way up Mont Trega.
Band playing at 4am. Children playing on a jungle gym at four in the morning... life during a villages summer festivities.