Tuesday, October 22, 2013

19 octubre 2013: Barcelona, Spain

Breakfast at the hostel. Leslie smiles at the sight of a bomboneria.
Stained glass.
Put our backpacks in a locker at the bus station. Spent the day walking around Barcelona.
Archery. Playing racquetball, of sorts, against the castle wall.
Freedom. Catalonian flag.
Long line to see the interior of thBasílica i Temple Expiatori de la Sagrada Família.
Garbage filled with plastic water bottles when they should be recycled. Father placed young girl on the street performer's bicycle.
In line for the concert at Apolo 2. John Darnielle of the Mountain Goats. 
The walk from the concert venue to the bus station.
Arrive at the bus station. Board the bus for a 1am departure.