Monday, July 15, 2013

15 July 2013: Bath, England

View from my room at 5:53am after skyping with the family as they celebrate Leslie's birthday. The back of the train station.
While crossing the pedestrian bridge over the River Avon, I overheard a conversation between two police and a homeless man holding a cigarette: "Save your money mate. If I see you drinking any more alcohol today, I don't care what you say, I will seize it."
Gull attack injures woman. A sign on the entrance to a play area: Build a rainbow. 
Headteacher: Mrs Kate Milkins BA (Hons). The English attach a lot more to titles and standings than in the US. It seems quite silly to specify that you have a bachelors degree, but they do. Also language wise, headteacher = principal and grammatically, English do not use a (.) after title abbreviations, such as Mr, Mrs, Dr, etc.