Wednesday, May 22, 2013

21 May 2013: Jurassic Coast

Today's journey: Train from Bath to Weymouth. Bus to Wool. Walk to Lulworth. Bus to Abbotsbury. Bus back to Weymouth. Train back to Bath.
Bath Spa train station. Heading southeast to Weymouth.
Weymouth. Catch the bus to continue the journey east to Lulworth.
Getting off the bus in Wool.

Boot rack. Due to infrequent bus service, we decide to walk the six miles to Lulworth.
Walking through the backcountry of England.
Lulworth coast has rock from the Upper Jurassic (150 million years ago) to the Cretaceous (65 million years ago).

Durdle Door, the limestone arch, has 147 million year old Cycad tree fossils.
Catch the bus in Lulworth and head to Abbotsbury.
Abbey in Abbotsbury.
Chapel on the hill.
The roller coaster road along the Jurassic Coast. Quaint house in Abbotsbury.
Sitting at the back of the double-decker bus on the way to Weymouth.
Weymouth. Walk to the train station.
Weymouth to Bath as the sun sets.